13 of the Best Non-Profit WordPress Themes

forgiven wordpress theme

Charities, NGOs and Nonprofit organizations have specific needs for running an organization. Anybody who’s fluent in WordPress knows that it can be used to build any type of site, such as personal blogs to high authority Nonprofit sites. It is truly an all-in-one solution.

Today we have scoured the web and collected the best and latest NonProfit themes for WordPress. It goes without saying that the themes listed below have been used by hundreds of people, maybe even thousands and they have all been happy with them. No longer you have to pay expensive developers and designers an absurd amount of money to build you a non profit site.

So if you are looking for a Charity, NGO or a NonProfit WordPress template, with WordPress and a good looking theme, you can have your site up and running in less than 30 minutes.

If you are looking to setup an affordable WordPress website you might like:

Non-Profit Themes for WordPress

NativeChurch – Multi Purpose WordPress Theme

NativeChurch is a powerful WordPress Theme designed & developed for Church, Charity, Non-Profit and Religious Websites and comes handy for Portfolio/Corporate Websites as well.

native church wordpress theme

Lifeline NGO Charity Fund Raising WordPress Theme

Lifeline is a clean, fully responsive, highly flexible and beautifully designed WordPress theme which is provided with six (6) unique homepage layouts to best suit the advanced requirements of your website. This can be used as a Charity WordPress Theme, Fund Raising WP Theme or NGO WordPress theme to build a website for your organization.

lifetime ngo wordpress theme

Church and Events – Responsive WordPress Theme

Church and Event is suitable for users with zero programming skills as well as advanced developers. The theme is build for churches and events but it is also suitable for any kind of website – conference, environmental, charity, law, agency, hosting, nonprofit, gym, medical, parallax, political, activist, cause, one page, business, spa and shop.

church and events wordpress theme

iChurch – Responsive Church WordPress Theme

iChurch WordPress Theme is focusing on helping to create a perfect website with religious theme.

ichurch wordpress theme

Forgiven – A Powerful WordPress Theme for Churches

forgiven wordpress theme

Charity – Foundation/Fundraising WordPress Theme

Charity is a powerful responsive charity/donations/foundation/fundraising premium WordPress theme , built on the Bootstrap Framework, jam-packed with features.

charity wordpress theme

Kause – Multi Purpose WordPress Theme

Kause is a super flexible WordPress theme designed for churches, charities and non-profit websites.

A beautifully designed multi-purpose WordPress theme, perfect for charities, churches and non-profit websites in including political campaigns. Kause is clean and minimal and puts direct focus on your message.

kause wordpress theme

Aid Reform: NGO Donation and Charity Theme

AidReform is a clean and elegant theme, developed mainly to setup charity, NGOs, nonprofit organizations, church, donation and corporate websites. Best suited for the charity organizations aiming to attract the attention for raising charity organizations.

aid reform wordpress theme

Mercy-NGO Charity & Environmental/Political theme

It’s a clean and elegant theme, developed mainly to setup charity, NGOs, nonprofit orgnizations , church, donation and corporate websites.

mercy ngo wordpress theme

SaveTheWorld: Environmental & Charity WP Theme

SaveTheWorld is an excellent multi-purpose responsive WordPress theme. It was created as a universal website template for people who need an easy and modern tool to create their own websites according to the latest trends.

save the world wordpress theme

4 Children With Love-Charity WP Theme

“4 Children with Love” is a modern and easy to use WordPress theme with a noble cause. It is a charity theme dedicated to children but in general it is also suited for any kind of charity and non-profit organizations.

4 children with love wordpress theme

Charity+ WordPress Theme

As the name says, this WordPress theme is a great choice for your charity / non-profit organisation. Some of the most important functionalities this theme have are: Events, Causes, Gallery, Latest news. We worked hard to make creating any of this elements, or all of them, effortless as easy as child’s play is.

charity plus wordpress theme

GiveAHand – Charity Responsive WP Theme

GiveAHand is a creative WordPress Theme for charity organizations. It’s focused on raising funds for your charity and alerting visitors to important issues happening in the world. It’s perfect for those who’re tired of ordinariness and want to stand out among competitors.

give a hand wordpress theme

Which one of these non-profit wordpress themes have you used? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this list.

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2 thoughts on “13 of the Best Non-Profit WordPress Themes

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