Best Ecommerce Joomla Templates


Joomla is a CMS similar to WordPress which can be used by almost everyone to create a professional looking website or blog. Joomla is free and can be used by non-programmers with the help of the vast amounts of joomla templates out there.

Today we’ve compiled a list of the best ecommerce joomla templates. These templates are cheap and high quality, they are easy to install and use, and you can set up a full featured website in about 10 minutes. These ecommerce templates for joomla are being used by thousands of sites online so these are all trusted and bug free.

Best Ecommerce Joomla Templates

SJ Lotte Responsive Joomla! Template

SJ Lotte – A completely new design is used specifically for the restaurant, hotel or tourism… With responsive web design layout, this template will convince any dimensions of popular display devices.


Leo Store Joomla Template

If you’re going to open your online store using Virtuemart Component or JoomShopping Component and sell Digital Products or luxury stuffs, or you looking for a clean, nice design and special typography, this template is perfectly your choice. Homepage contains image slideshow, brand sliders. The footer with extra space allows to show more info of your stores address or links.It comes with 6 amazing themes color, clean styles and the Responsive feature Supports displaying on Resolution of Smart phone, Table-Less. And more supports themes for k2 component, Virtuemart component, Jomshopping Component and is built using our powerful template Framework called Leo Framework – giving you the ultimate flexibility and speed.


SJ Jare Responsive Joomla Template

SJ Jare – is new Joomla! responsive template, with support for Joomla! 2.5 and VirtueMart 2.x. It has short-codes feature, which we have just implemented for our templates. First time using, it is unique and interesting to style content without much coding.

We used Content and VirtueMart component in template core, allowing you to offer power of e-commerce system VirtueMart and stability of default content management. You can use VirtueMart for shop and Content for blogging about products.

By using the powered C-panel we can change any parameter right in front-end. Besides, back-end UI has been improved so that you will be always notified of new version with many additional parameters.

Luxurious design is used specifically for high-end products such as jewelry, perfume or concepts… With responsive web design layout, this template is for any display devices.


Simplex – Responsive Joomla Template

Simplex is a responsive joomla corporate template clean and professional looking one of Joomla business templates designed mainly for corporate websites. Equipped with powerful features, it allows you to present content in whatever way you like. The large array of customizations gives you more control of the look and feel without having to dig into the theme editor.

simplex joomla template

Leo BookStore Responsive Theme

Today we ‘re happy to Introduce Leo Book as Professional Responsive template for Joomla intended for Book theme but can be easily used for other businesses such as Photos, Hitech Products

It comes with 4 amazing themes color, clean styles and support customize changing background, text-color, font-size..etc via the template configuration. And More supports themes for k2 component, is built using our powerful template Framework called Leo Framework – giving you the ultimate flexibility and speed,responsive supported.


LT App Showcase – Responsive Business Joomla! Template

LT App Showcase is Responsive App Showcase Joomla! template. It builds for business template area with 100% responsive layout (support for mobile devices). LT App Showcase builds with bootstrap based on strong template framework with unlimited positions, drag-drop layout and 6 color styles.


LT Salon Car – Responsive Salon Car Joomla! Template

LT Salon Car is Responsive App Showcase Joomla! template. It builds for business template area with 100% responsive layout (support for mobile devices). LT Salon Car builds with bootstrap based on strong template framework with unlimited positions, drag-drop layout and 6 color styles.


Stylos – One Page Responsive Joomla! template

Stylos is an elegant and clean One Page Joomla! template that has clean and professional design suitable for any creative portfolio, business, agency or studio. It’s created using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques.

The templare work with the latest version of Joomla! (Joomla! 2.5.x and Joomla! 3.2.x) and can be used for any purposes like Business, Corporate, Portfolio, Blog, etc.


SJ Health Magazine – Responsive Joomla! Template

SJ Health – Responsive Joomla! Template is our brand-new template to make Websites about medicine and pharmacy! By using responsiveness native from Joomla! 3.0, SJ Health Template is one of the most highly customizable Joomla! template ever.

With 6 preset color styles in which priority is utilizing Red color as main color, this template is powerful in building news portal about health. As well as ability to tweak custom colors by front-end cPanel, this is for those loving customization.

sj health magazine joomla template

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1 thought on “Best Ecommerce Joomla Templates

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