The 16 Best Responsive AngularJS Templates?

pogody website template angularjs

bGone are the days of heavy, clunky websites built on flash, which took ages to load up and often times crashed. Now people are asking about the 16 Best Responsive AngularJS Website Templates. These days people have a big selection of web frameworks and other tools at their disposal. Anybody who’s creating a website today does not have to go very far to see the end product. One such powerful library which help people in creating websites was introduced by Google called the AngularJS framework.

AngularJS is a javascript based library based application which is fully capable of working with other libraries and provides a full stack solution. It is simple, easy to learn and still has a broad room for growth.

Today we’re going to dive deep and take a look at the top AngularJS templates which are responsive and easy to manage.

Top AngularJS Website Themes

Gifted – Multi-Purpose HTML5 Website Template

gifted multipurpose angularjs website template

Gifted Multipurpose HTML5 website template with responsive and retina ready design is an impeccable solution for portfolio, e-commerce, real estate, automobile, travel, hotel, medical, education, wedding, lawyer, and more agencies. With cross-platform support, this responsive website template responds in a satisfying way across mobile & desktop devices. Having modern, clean, and optimized web page design, this professional HTML5 template cum parallax HTML5 template allows the user to build his/her own feature-rich website.

Being one of the exemplary premium HTML5 templates, the business HTML5 template built with Bootstrap 3 holds reusable elements, SVG icons, endless colors, unique header styles, shop pages, and lots more. It is counted among the best HTML5 website templates as an all-in-one responsive HTML5 template to develop multipurpose websites. Listed in the topmost HTML5 web templates, Gifted consists of varied blog pages in different styles along with JS compliant Contact Form, 404 page, and quick loading forum pages. You can use this business website template for the development of e-commerce, restaurant, portfolio, real estate, blog, and more SEO-friendly websites.

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Smile – HTML E-commerce Template

smile angularjs ecommerce template

Here is the all new Smile E-Commerce HTML template for you, giving an exciting theme for your fashion and accessories store. Make your fashion store globally competitive with one of our templates because we understand that vogue matters.

Smile E-Commerce themes are easily customizable and available in five home layouts that will captivate you. It has been made keeping in mind all that matters for a fashion and accessories store viz. quick view for any item in detail, welcome pop-up, editable PSD files, cart pages, blog pages, etc. The most promising features of Smile themes are:

  • Google Web fonts and Awesome icons
  • Product Slider with widget
  • RTL version for Arabic/Hebrew language
  • Grid and List view available
  • Well oriented in all devices

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Pogody – Responsive HTML5 Coming Soon Template

pogody website template angularjs

A Modern, Creative, Professional and Responsive HTML5 Coming Soon Template! This template comes with 6 different background styles – Kenburn Image, Parallax Image, 3d Clouds, Animated Gradient, Constellation and Background Slideshow. It is driven by modern technologies like Angular JS, HTML5, CSS3 and Boostrap Sass. It is well documented and easy customizable. Surprise your audience with Special Typewriter Text Effect and Angular JS Forms. It is fully functional providing Mailchimp Subscription Form & Ajax Contact Form. If you’re looking for something modern & trendy, Pogody is surely the top choice.

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Fuse – Angular5+ & AngularJS & Bootstrap 4 HTML Material Design Admin Template

fuse angular admin template

Fuse is an AngularJS admin template that uses Angular Material library. While it follows Google’s Material Design Specs., it also has lots of unique and beautifully designed applications and generic page designs. Fuse is not only a great kick starter for your project but it also is an extremely good place to learn some of the advanced aspects of the AngularJS.

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Slant – Multi Purpose AngularJS Admin Web App with Bootstrap

slant angular web app template

“Slant” Admin is a premium admin dashboard theme built with the Powerful AngularJS framework and Bootstrap 3. It is specially designed to give your admin panel a unique and elegant look. It is easy to customize and coded in developer friendly manner.

Build using Grunt and Bower with nested views & routing and lazy load features.

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Altair Admin Material Design UIkit Template

altair angularjs web admin template

Altair is a professional HTML5/CSS3 Material Design template based on UIkit Framework and jQuery Library. This template has been built with Bower (package manager), Gulp (streaming build tool) and Handlebars.js (templating system).

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Remark – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

remark angularjs template

Remark is a premium, responsive, creative, customizable admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 4 (You can email me to get the bootstrap v3 version). There are a huge of powerful components build with scss/less css which makes it easy to modify.

It’s the latest collection in our highly reliable libraries, its componets cover the best practices on web and mobile. It can be easily integrated into your projects, allowing you to create solutions for your future designs quickly.

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Triangular – Material Design Admin Template AngularJS

triangular html5 template

Triangular is a unique Material Design Admin Template built with AngularJS. The template has been built from the ground up using Google’s own Angular Material Design project. We have put our many years of Angular development skills into creating this template so you can get the best start for your project. Or you can use this template as a great starting point for learning AngularJS and becoming a frontend dev ninja!

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Avenxo – Responsive AngularJS + HTML Admin

avenxo material design html5

Avenxo is built ground up to be the most developer friendly theme in the marketplace. With multiple color schemes and layouts, Avenxo is clean, nimble and flexible. This flexibility comes with easy to use and clean code that can be picked up by anyone with minimal experience in Bootstrap, as we build upon the code base used by millions.

From the get-go, we provide two separate versions of the theme – The standalone HTML version, and AngularJS version with Bower and Grunt to make development – and deployment – a breeze.

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Piluku – Bootstrap Admin + AngularJS Admin Template

piluku minimal angular admin

Piluku is an admin template with Flat, Responsive, Admin Dashboard and also included with Material Effect elements. This template is built on twitter Bootstrap 3.3.4, with bunch of features(third party elements) included. It can be used for backend admins from login to finished user pages. This comes with fully detailed documentation which explains you to get quick started and use of some unique elements.

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Urban – Responsive Admin Template + Customizer Access

urban dashboard template

Urban is a premium bootstrap 3 web application admin template. It comes packed with a myriad of different layouts, pre-built skins (Sidebar & Header), angularJS and HTML versions, Grunt and Bower build processes and a host of other options. Urban gives you what you need to get started with bulding your next web application, CRM, CMS, admin or dashboard based project.

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Maverick – Responsive Admin with AngularJS

maverick responsive admin with angularjs

Maverick is a carefully designed admin template that is built from the ground up to be developer-friendly. With its modern design and coding that follows the best practices for AngularJS web apps, Maverick is ready to be the starting point for your next big project.

Maverick uses Bower and Grunt to make development and deployment a breeze. The styling is written in clean and organized LESS.

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Materialism – Angular Bootstrap Admin Template

materialism web app template

Materialism is an Admin Template based on Angular JS with Bootstrap 3.

If you are looking for a perfect combination of plugins and modules, then look no further. We sorted through the vast amount of plugins out there and we picked only the best ones with good documentation that fit in a successful APP.

Choose Materialism for:


  • Clean design
  • Material design and animations
  • Built with AngularJS
  • Bootstap 3.3

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Materia – Responsive Admin Template

materia angular web app template

Materia is an AngularJS admin app built on bootstrap 3.3 framework and uses material design framework. It uses less css with bower dependency and grunt task runner for scripts. You can use this as a starter template for web apps, dashboard etc. The template is fully responsive and works best in all the devices.

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Make – Admin Template & Builder – HTML & AngularJS

make angularjs template builder

Make is a flat and responsive admin template for multi-usage built with Bootstrap 3. There are a lot of useful components, well organized and structured properly. It offer you great variety of layout options: RTL, boxed, sidebar on top…

Make include first admin builder that allow you to customize your admin: sidebar side, style, topbar content, edit links…

Moreover, we include exclusive Page Builder that permit to add elements to your page quickly(form, table, panel…) with a simple drag & drop.

Make comes with 4 complete admin themes, each with HTML, AngularJS and RTL variation.

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Materil – Angular Material Design Admin Template

materil admin angularjs template

Material design admin dashboard template with Bootstrap 3 and AngularJS, Features nested views & routing and lazy load for large project.


  • Magic AngularJS
  • Powerful AngularUI
  • Popular Bootstrap 3
  • Nested routing
  • Nested views
  • Less CSS
  • Many jQuery plugins included
  • 70% of jQuery plugins can work
    without creating the directive
  • Lazy loading
  • Grunt tasks
  • Bower dependency management
  • Save user settings
  • Inbox app
  • Note app
  • Todo app
  • Multiple Layout options
  • Separated Html blocks

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