
Online Affiliate Marketing is getting more and more popular nowadays. Many companies big and small are offering an affiliate program which you can use to earn a decent passive income. Many people are creating affiliate sites and are selling other people’s products on their site, earning some sort of commission. With a large number of Affiliate Scripts available online, creating an affiliate site has become really easy. Just download the best affiliate script you can find, install in on your server, configure it and you will have a fully functional site.

Today we have a list of the top affiliate scripts which can be found on the internet. These best scripts are easy to use and easy to maintain, and you don’t have to have any programming knowledge at all to use them.

Best Affiliate Scripts

Mybay – Fully Automated Advanced eBay Affiliate Script


The Mybay – Ebay Affiliate Script is a powerful script created specifically to generate a solid income through eBay Affiliate program. Did you ever want to start an ecommerce store like eBay, but didn’t know how to. No worries, this script will create a beautiful, fully customizable responsive site for you in few minutes. It’s not easy to earn money with banners, popups and links. Look no further, Mybay is the solution, you just have to configure everything through the user friendly, advanced admin panel within few minutes. Then your website will run on auto-pilot mode and even make money.!

envato Affiliate Portal

envato-affiliate-portalEnvato Affiliate Portal script lets you earn money very easily. The script has very friendly user interface and powerful admin panel to control the website settings. Products can be added using bulk add or direct from direct envato sources using Ajax. You can also set cron jobs to automatically add new products daily. It automatically adds envato username at the end of every link to make it envato affiliate link When user visit this product link from your website you will get 30% commission on his first envato deposit you can earn money by placing ads on your website. It is also social media ready so users can easily share products with other people.

Universal Affiliate Store

universal-affiliate-storeUniversal Affiliate Store is a powerful PHP based script helping you earn affiliate commission through Affiliate links. You can add affiliate products from any store set featured image, product images, sale price, and publish your product in multiple categories. You can set currency settings to make this store in your local currency. Universal Affiliate Store is the easiest way to make affiliate store online you can create unlimited categories and sub categories. Create multiple user accounts with Access control. Script has built in stats system to track your visitors, pages views and affiliate clicks. You can create custom pages. Script offers RSS feeds and sitemaps. We have also implemented caching for faster page loads and to reduce server resources. Script is Fully responsive based on Bootstrap. The script has very user friendly interface, easy to set up and social media ready.

Easy Affiliate Panel

easy-affiliate-panelEasy to install and use Affiliate Panel. Boost your sales by adding an affiliate program to your site. The script is written in php and the integration with your site is in 3 lines.
After the affiliate registers via the panel, he receives ID, which he can use to drive people to your site. When a client comes to your site with affiliate ID, a cookie is stored for defined by you, period of time (by default is 1 week) and if he made a purchase in that period of time, a percent of the sum is earned for the affiliate.

Top Review & Comparison Script


Fully featured professional price comparison website can be easily launched using this script.

Create your Own Review and Compare Websites. Take a few seconds and easily compare several top rated programs.

You can create up to 10 comparison websites. You can use this script for any kind of review/comparison website, and of course also with affiliate programs (juicy affiliate webhosting program, insurance comparison, car comparison, …)

Enter a description, an (affiliate) link, and choose the names of the columns you want to display in your website : can be the price, the name of the program, the the money-back,…all what you want

Our simple installer gets you set up in minutes. We offer you 3 demo samples (php/bootstrap), but you can design your own website. The detailed user guide will help you to do it.

There is no restriction from the script whatsoever!

Envato Affiliate Money Maker

envato-affiliate-money-makerEnvato Affiliate Money Maker lets you create your own money making website. It automatically add new products daily. When visitor clicks on any product from your website it automatically add your referral username and make it your affiliate link so you will get 30% on every users first deposit. Its search engine friendly url’s makes it easy to index and get search traffic. Automatically bulk add items or add individual items with one click, in each marketplace!

iTunes Affiliate Apps Music Movies Chart Store


Instant iTunes Affiliate Chart Store Generator and Search Engine automatically update to reflect iTunes  top charts and new content, so you’ll always be up to date with the latest in the iTunes Store.

Installation is very simple, just one configuration file to tailor your very own custom iTunes Store for any niche, there is no database needed.

Instant Affiliate Shopping Search Engine

instant-affiliate-shopping-search-engineInstant Affiliate Shopping Search Engine is a shop aggregator that searches multiple shopping sites at once, currently including: Amazon, eBay and Zazzle, but more will be added soon if they support an affiliate program. You can browse items by Category or Popular tags as well as being able to Search shopping sites in realtime. Furthermore the shopping site is user-friendly, responsive, and customizable for any niche you can think.


fastamazonfastAmazon lets you quickly and easily set up your own Amazon affiliate powered site. It uses Amazon’s Product Advertising API and SOAP to bring products straight to your website.

Buy, Sell Marketplace Ver 1.1.1


Marketplace: Will upload source code, products ( you, we, or another . etc) user will buy it with credit (fund via paypal to system) you will receive money…

System will use paypal gateway for user fund money to buy source code, buy courses. and benefit will paid for author via paypal.

System will support multi language in frontend site.

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3 thoughts on “Best Affiliate Scripts

  1. Its really nice for those who want to earn money as part time they can easily use affiliate marketing.

  2. Hi,

    I like your article about the affiliate script but there is another great script which is AxisITP Price Comparison Script.
    It works great!

  3. ScriptBay, which has reached version 3.0, is no longer for sale on envato, but only in the official scriptnet shop.
    It is, and remains, the best EPN tool.

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