30 Wonderful And Latest Free WordPress Plugins


As a designer and a developer, you know you can’t go wrong with WordPress. It said in a recent article that more than 30 % of websites online are powered by WordPress and believe me, that is a lot. Thousands of blogs / websites are popping up day by day and the larger percentage of people turn to WordPress as their first and only choice.

The great things about WordPress are that it is absolutely FREE, you have total control over its customization as it’s an open source software and the ever helpful community which is the backbone of WordPress.

Now on top of that many people have developed themes and plugins which are really helpful and which make your site much more powerful. There are thousands upon thousands of plugins in the WordPress plugin repository but today I’ll list out…….

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30 Wonderful And Latest Free WordPress Plugins

Flexible Posts Widget

An advanced posts display widget with many options. Display posts in your sidebars any way you’d like!


Easy Digital Downloads

Sell digital downloads through WordPress with this complete digital downloads management plugin.


Any Mobile Theme Switcher

This Plugin detects mobile browser and display the theme as the setting done from admin. Usefull for switch to Mobile Theme.



Adds the Interbookings.com bookings form to your post, or place the Interbookings.com button to your sidebar.


Selfservice FAQ Plugin for WordPress – Casengo

Add a powerful FAQ & Knowledge Base on your WordPress Blog or Website. Powered by Casengo.


Vina Presentation Cycle Widget

A great WordPress Slider to display featured posts in Presentation Cycle.



This plugin uses the Spreadshirt API to list articles and let your customers order articles of your Spreadshirt shop using Spreadshirt order process.



This plugin can capture a query string when the visitor comes to your Site from Google Results Page. Then you can show your visitor button with prepared text and search phrase to get high CTR.


Wordfence Security

Wordfence Security is a free enterprise class security plugin that includes a firewall, anti-virus scanning, malicious URL scanning and live traffic including crawlers. Wordfence is the only WordPress security plugin that can verify and repair your core, theme and plugin files, even if you don’t have backups.


Mini twitter feed

Embed your twitter feed or the twitter timeline from your favorite users on your WordPress blog. Shortcodes and widgets are used.


HTML5 MP3 Player with Playlist

Allows WordPress users to easily use HTML5 the element enable native audio playback within the browser. It supports all browsers i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE and Opera. HTML5 Audio Player with Playlist, Repeat, Random, Stream Seek, Volume Control, Timer, Next, Previous, Play-Pause option.



The best saving tool is now available on WordPress. Join top sites like NBC News, CNN, Disney and Fox Sports and offer your users a simple saving experience that keeps them coming back to your site.


Oik Nivo Slider

Nivo shortcode for the jQuery Nivo slider; “The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider”; reputed to be the world’s most popular jQuery image slider.


Google sitemap plugin

With the Google Sitemap Plugin you can create and add a Sitemap file to Google Webmaster Tools, and get the info about your site in Google Webmaster Tools.


StatComm (StatPress Community) Multisite Edition

Real Time Statistics on your blog, collecting information about visitors, spiders, search keywords, feeds, browsers, OS and more.


EasyRotator for WordPress – Slider Plugin

Add beautiful, responsive EasyRotator photo rotators and sliders to your WordPress site in seconds.


Easy Contact Forms

Easy Contact Forms. Easy to create. Easy to fill out. Easy to change. Easy to manage. Easy to protect.


GD Star Rating

Plugin allows you to set up advanced rating and review system for post types and comments in your blog using single, multi and thumbs ratings.


SEO Smart Links

SEO Smart Links provides automatic SEO benefits for your site in addition to custom keyword lists, nofollow and much more.



The Facebook plugin for WordPress adds Facebook social plugins to your WordPress site. Associate your WordPress site with a free Facebook application identifier to enable advanced features such as automatically sharing new posts to an author’s Facebook Timeline or your site’s Facebook Page.


Google Analyticator

Adds the necessary JavaScript code to enable Google Analytics. Includes widgets for Analytics data display.


Embed Form

Add JotForm forms to your blog posts with a click of a button. Create contact forms, surveys, order forms, event registration forms to your posts.


AtContent. Increase SEO and Readership! Free!

Why over 3,500 Sites Have Chosen AtContent? For the easiest way to Reach new readership, Increase search ranking, Control & Monetize content!


Easy Media Gallery

Easy Media Gallery is a wordpress plugin designed to display portfolios and various media support including gallery sets, single image, google maps, video, audio and link with very ease and elegant.


Post video players, slideshow albums, photo galleries

Post your videos, photo galleries/flash slideshows, music and playlists easily and in seconds.


Design Approval System

A system to streamline the process of getting designs, photos, or videos approved by clients quickly.



xili-language lets you create and manage multilingual WP site in several languages with yours or most famous localizable themes. Ready for CMS design.


Fancy Gallery

Fancy Gallery associates linked images and galleries with the jQuery Fancybox. This Plugin has been granted the “Famous Software” Award!



Social networking in a box. Build a social network for your company, school, sports team or niche community.



Supercharge your WordPress site with powerful features previously only available to WordPress.com users.


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