9 WordPress Image Plugins To Improve Speed


Recently, speed of a webpage has become one of the top factors on how well it ranks in the eyes of Google. They’ve even made it clear in their last few updates that they WILL favor websites which load fast and perform better. Well, if you’re confused what Image Plugins have to do with it, read on.

So not many of you will realize it but the images on a page greatly determines how slow or fast it loads up. In simple terms, if there are a lot of images on a page which are large in size, the page will not open up fast enough and in the end your traffic will suffer.

If you’re already using WordPress for your site then optimizing the images on a page will be a child’s play because of the open source nature of WordPress and its huge repository of plugins to give your site an edge.

9 WordPress Image Plugins to Improve Page Speed



Lazy Load



WP Parallel Loading System


CW Image Optimizer


EWWW Image Optimizer


PB Responsive Images


WP Smush.It





These are the 9 WordPress Image Optimizer Plugins which will really help your site to speed up and perform better. Just install these plugins from the WP Plugin repository, read the instructions on how to configure them, activate them and you’re ready to go.

Do you like one of these? Tell us in the comments.

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