Taggify Review – An Adsense Alternative


Taggify is one of the better and high paying adsense alternatives. They are a CPC or CPM based advertising network depending on the type of advertiser, quality of the website and traffic origin

Types of ads

Taggify has many types of ads to choose from which they make sure are contextually relevant to your website:

1. Photofy
2. Textify
3. Layerfy
4. Vidiofy
5. Linkify

If you have a website having a lot of pictures you can opt for Photofy like for example, a funny pictures website. Similarly is the case with Textify, Vidiofy and Linkify for websites having lots of text, videos and links respectively. Additionally all of them can be used on a single website or you can choose which ones to use

Simulate Ads

You can simulate ads before putting them to your website which is a pretty good feature

Minimum Payout Amount

Minimum payout amount is $100 and if you haven’t earned $100 till the end of month your balance is carried over to the next

Payment Method

Paypal or Wire. For Wire Transfer you must have atleast $1000 in your account

Code Integration

Integration is very simple. They provide you a single Javascript code to be added before the ending <body> tag

Compatible With Google Adsense

All Taggify products are fully compatible with Google Adsense so you should give it a try to earn even more from your website

Do they Accept all websites?

It does not matter if you have a new website or a relatively low traffic one you can apply for an account. They take around a day to approve the website. They dont accept pornographic website, violent and hate content


Earnings can be easily tracked using taggify reporting system which has many features to offer

Each type of ad earning can be tracked separately

This concludes the taggify review, i must say that i haven’t seen companies offering so much to choose from when it comes to publishing ads on your website so you should definitely give taggify a try.  Stay tuned for any updates

Monetize your website with Taggify

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1 thought on “Taggify Review – An Adsense Alternative

  1. Thank you for sharing a excellent article. you have explored research base ingredient. The future of Google AdSense may be remain same because there is no better competitor on PPC. there are are alternative of PPC ads but they are not better compared with Google Adsense. Millions of blogs and websites have been relying on Google Adsense and only few publishers are enjoying on other alternative. it’s trustworthiness and honest is really nice, so that almost ads publishers want to be a active members of Adsense and earn money from adsense
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