Best Responsive WordPress Themes For Small Businesses

department wordpress theme

Mobile traffic is growing very fast and lots of people already started browsing internet from smart phones and tablets, to cater this website designers and developers have come up with an idea to design Reposive Websites.

WordPress is a savior to those who want to try their luck in the online world. With the advent of WP, teenagers and even 50 year olds are starting their online businesses and sites, resulting in loads of passive income.

Again, all this is made possible by the genius makers of WordPress and the big international community that supports it. Now people like you and me can just buy a domain, set up hosting, install WordPress, slap on a theme and start our business. Amazingly enough, as technical as it sounds, the whole process just takes 10 minutes.

Today we’re going to look at some of the best, latest and responsive WordPress themes for small businesses and blogs. The concept of responsive themes is catching on, and if you want your site to be successful, then it will have to be optimized for mobile devices too. These themes are tried and tested by us, they are fast, are fully optimized, easy to set-up and secure.

If you want to start your business online with WordPress, then these themes are the only one’s you need……

Resposive WordPress Themes For Small Businesses

Beaute WordPress Theme

A Beauty & Health WordPress theme that really lives up to its name.

beaute wordpress theme

Collective WordPress Theme

A powerful and in the same time easy to work with responsive professional WordPress theme ready to push your business forward.

collective wordpress theme

Fusion WordPress Theme

Fusion is a sleek and flashy theme that melds fun and professionalism into one awesome package. Great for startups, tech companies or design firms, this theme will impress your visitors with its cutting edge style. The theme also comes packaged with tons of great features, such as responsive design, custom background images and more!

fusion wordpress theme

Hayden WordPress Theme

Hayden is a beautiful agency theme designed for those that need a way to show off their portfolio, highlight their services, and have an overall stunning web presence.

hayden wp theme

Baylie WordPress Theme

Baylie is a multipurpose agency theme with a full screen parallax slideshow, perfect for making a bold impact with big and beautiful images.

baylie wordpress theme

Satellite WordPress Theme

SATELLITE7 is a professional multi-purpose WordPress theme.

satellite wordpress theme

Think Responsive Business Theme

Think is a clean and responsive wordpress theme for corporate, business and company websites. This theme also good for portfolio and any kind of websites.

think wordpress theme

Department WordPress Theme

A multi-purpose eCommerce and business theme designed for those who sell fun and exciting products.

department wordpress theme

Energy WordPress Theme

Energy is a business theme that would work great with gyms, fitness centers, sporting venues and other businesses that want to impress with full-screen photography on their websites.

energy wordpress theme

Venture WordPress Theme

Venture is a professional WordPress Theme, that perfectly suits your business website. Even though it is a business theme, the built-in portfolio is a great way to show off your work, photos or anything else.

venture wordpress theme

Response WordPress Theme

The Response Theme is flexible. It’s a fully responsive, retina optimized, minimally designed WordPress theme. The theme features an abundance of shortcodes, page templates, social media buttons and theme options for ultimate customization. The featured slideshow is capable of displaying full width background images, patterns and colors. The theme is compatible with Gravity Forms and WooCommerce for selling products. In addition, post formats are available for displaying a variety of blog article layouts.

response wordpress theme

Avail WordPress Theme

Avail is a clean and uncluttered theme for your next business website. Avail features additional module styles designed to give you even more variety in your site.

avail wordpress theme

These were the best and most latest responsive WordPress themes for small businesses. We recommend all of these, and if you choose one for your next project, do tell us about it in the comments.

Also share this wonderful list with your friends.

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