
Your hosting provider is one of the most important factor of your website’s success. If you want a smooth and fast website, without any errors, excellent support when something goes wrong and is able to handle a decent amount of traffic then you need to select a good, suitable and affordable VPS hosting provider.

The purpose of these VPS Hosting Reviews is to provide you with all the pros and cons of the top VPS hosting providers so that you can make a decision on what type of hosting you prefer.

Best VPS Hosting Companies

Nowadays VPS or Virtual Private Servers are getting a lot of attention because they can accommodate the resources of a dedicated server at very low cost. VPS is also highly versatile and considerably easier to setup and manage. Let’s look at some of the best VPS hosting of 2015.

Best value VPS could provide fully managed VPS hosting or unmanaged VPS hosting having unlimited resources. Managed VPS hosting comes with a control panel for easy server management.

VPS Hosting Comparison

If you are looking for low cost VPS or a cheap VPS with cpanel we have listed down some of the best hosting providers


Since its establishment in 2002, HostGator has been a world-leading provider of web hosting service. They offer Shared, Reseller, VPS, and Dedicated server packages for both beginners and professionals alike. Each of their shared Web Hosting plans includes 24/7/365 support, a 99.9% uptime guarantee, and a 45-day money-back guarantee.


Bluehost’s virtual private servers are built from the ground up on cloud technology. Enjoy increased power, flexibility, and control for your websites.



From fully managed hosting to pure, raw Linux, we have a VPS plan for every size and type of project.



Works like you have your own machine – powerful, affordable and includes free solid-state drives, a custom firewall, dedicated mail server and more control over security! VPS hosting is a great fit for businesses expecting rapid growth, heavy website traffic or who run highly interactive, dynamic websites. InMotion Hosting partitions a high-performance server into multiple virtual servers, each with a reserved amount of CPU and RAM resources.



VPS Hosting is good for growing sites with dynamic content or ecommerce capabilities that need high performance and the flexibility to adjust server resources as they expand, but want to avoid surprise usage fees.



Our Virtual Private Server or VPS Hosting comes standard with rock solid performance that our customers expect along with the exclusive environment offered only by our dedicated servers. Our VPS Hosting plans were designed as a stepping stone between the shared hosting and our dedicated server offering.


Whatever your development plans are, your server has to meet your requirements. At 1&1, we understand this. Our servers guarantee performance, flexibility, and security.

We offer a flexible range of servers for every demand, with the latest generation of hardware and unlimited traffic.



Launch your own VPS with just a few clicks. Our simple setup process will have you up and running in minutes – no lengthy spin up times or waiting on resources. And with patching, monitoring, security, backups and support all included, you can stay focused on running your business. Best of all, when you choose our Managed VPS, your RAM, storage and bandwidth aren’t just under your control, they’re guaranteed.



EasyCGI’s Linux VPS (Virtual Private Server) service gives customers a flexible and secure hosting solution. Manage your own server to deploy community portals and Web applications with technologies such as PHP, MySQL and Perl. EasyCGI’s VPS hosting plans allow you to allocate separate resources for each one of your clients, run your own private nameservers, set up mail servers and database servers. These cost efficient Virtual Private Server plans are backed by a 30-day Money-back Guarantee and 24×7 Support.


247 Host

247 Host offers managed cPanel Virtual Private Servers with a whole bunch of features and plans.


This list is for those who are searching around for the best and most reliable vps hosting around. You can pick any one of the above because they have been tested by us.

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1 thought on “Best VPS Hosting

  1. Thanks for the details … I am kind a beginner, .Can I run and access a GUI on a remote VPS?

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