10 Website Optimization Tools To Boost SEO


The first thing every webmaster should think about after starting a website or a blog is website optimization. You can improve your site’s SEO by optimizing it which will in turn help you get more traffic and ranking.

But the bitter truth is that most people don’t even bother with it or they spend very little time on it, that is why the majority fails. If a person spends time on his/her website, make it fast, make it smooth, make it interactive, easy to navigate it will only help you in the long run and Google will give more attention to you.

What Is Website Optimization ?

Now you might be wondering what exactly is website optimization. It simply means making your site stand out from others by improving the speed, make it easy enough for the user that he doesn’t leave your site after a minute or making sure that your website is coded right and much more.


There are many ways you can go about optimizing your website such as focusing on one element at a time and making sure it works properly before moving to the next one or by simply using Online Website Optimization Tools. There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of website optimization tools available but today we have selected the top and the very best.

If you use these tools to their maximum potential and follow the instructions carefully, it is guaranteed that you will receive a lot of traffic and attention hence earning you more money.

So let’s start……

10 Website Optimization Tools To Boost SEO

Google Webmaster Tools

website optimization tools

Google PageSpeed Tool

website optimization tools

Microsoft SEO Toolkit

website optimization tools




website optimization tools

Pingdom Tools

website optimization tools


website optimization tools

Website Auditor

website optimization tools

Link Detox

website optimization tools

Backlink Profiler

website optimization tools

These were the 10 top and best website optimization tools to boost your SEO. Have you ever used any of these, tell us in the comments.

Don’t forget to share it with your friends.

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1 thought on “10 Website Optimization Tools To Boost SEO

  1. I have noticed you don’t monetize your page, don’t waste your traffic,
    you can earn additional bucks every month because you’ve got hi quality content.
    FirstAgnes recently posted…FirstAgnesMy Profile

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