How To Convert Every Visitor Into A Subscriber

convert visitors into subscribers

If a person visits your website and leaves, chances are that he or she will not come back, especially if there are no compelling reasons to do so. After all, we all behave rather impulsively on the Internet, so much so that we can easily forget where we were 10 web pages ago.

But the bottom line is that your visitor may not come back to your website again. If 1,000 visitors visit your website, leave and never come back again, you can imagine the amount of potential revenue lost, simply because they do not come back. You could have converted a fraction of the visitors into your customers.

Some may say that creating unique content can keep some of the visitors coming back, but very often, unique content is not the solution. The real, long-term solution lies in converting your visitors into subscribers of your mailing list.

convert visitors into subscribers

Before your visitor leaves your website, you want to convert him or her into your subscriber via a simple opt-in to your mailing list. You do this by asking for your visitor’s name and email address through your opt-in form.

And if your visitor signs up to be on your mailing list, you can still follow up with him via email. You can get your subscriber to consider your offer, or endorse another offer to him or her.

How To Convert Your Website Visitors Into Subscribers

1. The first and probably the most easiest way to convert your website visitors into subscribers is to write meaningful and compelling content. Offer something of value to the visitor, solve a problem or entertain them. Only then the visitor would be back. If a person remembers and visits your site or blog on a consistent basis he is most likely to subscribe so make the visitors want more.


2. Place the Email opt-in box strategically. It needs to be placed right and shouldn’t get in the way or else they would get irritated and leave, especially if they’re visiting for the first time. Have a opt-in box in your sidebar or just below your post so every visitor sees it.

3. Another really easy way you can get your visitors to subscribe is by offering a free and maybe even a paid product. You can collect the people’s Emails and then deliver the product and your offers write in their inbox. This method will surely get you some sales. But the product needs to be relevant. If you run a video game blog, write up a tutorial on how to complete a game. That’s solving a problem.

These were some of the most effective ways by which you can convert visitors into subscribers. However because of the competition on the internet nowadays you would really have to get creative.

All in all, you want to convert as many visitors into subscribers as possible and obtain the potential revenue you rightfully deserve – the easy, wise way.

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1 thought on “How To Convert Every Visitor Into A Subscriber

  1. Great Post but no doubt we need to provide unique and quality contents and all other things will be done itself.

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