squirrly seo wp

We already know by now that WordPress is most popular and most easiest to use blogging platform in the world. Recently more and more WordPress powered blogs and websites are popping up on Google. Many of those sites are found near the top of the Google search results because WordPress itself is automatically search engine optimized, and with the help of some best WordPress seo plugins your site is guaranteed the first spot in the search engines.

Today we have collected some of the best SEO plugins for WordPress, which are regularly updated and maintained, they are easy to install and most important of all they have a huge community of users behind them.

If you try to optimize your site all by yourself, it will take up a lot of time and you may not even succeed because SEO cannot be easily learned. Fortunately WordPress has some great plugins for SEO.

See also: Best WordPress Newsletter Plugin

Best WordPress SEO Plugins


SEOPressor is a must have WordPress SEO plugin and is rated very highly infact its rated among the top 5 WordPress plugins. It guarantees that your website stays within Google guidelines all the time even after Google updates. Its used by over 128,000+ websites all over the world and comes with lifetime updtates as it is updated regularly so you want to worry about Google Pandas and Penguins

seopressor wordpress seo plugin

WordPress SEO by Yoast

seo yoast wordpressImprove your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.

All in One SEO Pack

wordpress all in one seo packAll in One SEO Pack is a WordPress SEO plugin to automatically optimize your WordPress blog for Search Engines such as Google.

Google Sitemap Plugin

wordpress google sitemap pluginWith the Google Sitemap Plugin you can create and add a Sitemap file to Google Webmaster Tools, and get the info about your site in Google Webmaster Tools.

SEO Friendly Images

seo friendly images wordpressSEO Friendly Images is a WordPress SEO plugin which automatically updates all images with proper ALT and TITLE attributes for SEO purposes. If your images do not have ALT and TITLE already set, SEO Friendly Images will add them according the options you set. Additionally this makes the post W3C/xHTML valid as well.

WP Social SEO Booster

wordpress social seo boosterWP Social SEO Booster adds Facebook Open Graph, Twitter Card and Google Rich Snippets (Microdata / schema.org) to your site to boost your sites search engine visibility. It is the only plugin which does include ALL the different types of microdata which are supported by Google.

WordPress Social Sharing Optimization

wp social optimizationWordPress Social Sharing Optimization (WPSSO) adds HTML meta tags to the head section of WordPress webpages for improved Google Search results / ranking and sharing on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Tumblr and other social websites.

Nofollow Internal Links

nofollow internal links wordpressNofollow internal links: Read More Link, Tag Cloud, Post Tags, Archive Links, Category List, Post Category, Post Author, Comments Popup Link.


squirrly seo wpSquirrly SEO Plugin is the Only SEO Tool that Allows You To Optimize Content And Measure Its Success. For Both Humans and Search Engines.

SEO Ultimate

seo ultimate wordpressThis SEO Ultimate plugin gives you control over title tags, noindex, meta tags, Open Graph, slugs, canonical, autolinks, 404 errors, rich snippets.

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