How to easily get approved for Google Adsense


Getting your website approved for Google Adsense is not as difficult as it sounds. If you have a website or a blog and looking to monetize you can apply for an Adsense Account

As many of you already know what Google Adsense is? Its the market leader in online CPC & CPM based advertisements

In order to use Adsense you will have to first apply for an account. Google manually reviews all of the applications before approving them

so you should follow the guidelines listed below before submitting an application

1. Content and Length

Content should be unique, well presented and useful for your users. No copyrighted material allowed unless you have the permission to post. If you have a blog you must have a good amount of posts 30-50 posts should be enough to get you started, each post should be at-least 500 words but its best to have posts having around 2000 words

2. Domain Name and Age

Its better to have a top level domain like For some countries like China & India domain should be at-least 3-6 months old.

3. User Age and Program Policies

User must be at-least 18 years of age when applying for an account

4. Family Safe Website

No illegal softwares downloads, no torrents, illicit drugs, violent content, racial abusive content, hacking, cracking and adult or mature content. Google believes in a Family Safe environment and should never approve your website if it contains any of the mentioned stuff.

For more details please visit

5. Privacy Policy and Contact Us Pages

Very important as it adds value to the users

6. Supported Languages

Google supports only certain languages. Checkout supported languages on

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