My website bounce rate is too high – how to monetize?


Well you dont need to worry as far as monetizing your website is concerned because you still can earn some cash but its not a good sign for your website and you have to make some urgent changes to make your website more appealing to users

First of all lets talk about what bounce rate actually is? As many of you already know

Whenever a user jumps in from a search engine to your website and for some reason view just a single page and clicks the back button of your browser without spending much time on your website which is bad. On the other hand you cannot have 0% bounce which is almost impossible because you cannot please all of your visitors but you cannot have all of your visitors bouncing back

Some of the top reasons of high bounce rate is

1. User was looking for something else and found your website irrelevant
2. Website is confusing or has a bad design
3. Website is very slow to respond having large animations running on it
4. Website is loaded with ads
5. Wrong keyword selection for SEO

But the good thing is you can still can monetize your website while making changes to your website

lets you monetize your bounce or exit traffic. It provide ads to users who find your website through search engines (e.g google, bing, yahoo) and straight away click back button leaving your website  - Make Money From Your Exit Traffic!

Exit Junction Review – Program Details

Minimum Payout: $50

Payment Methods: Paypal and Check at no charge. Wire Transfer has fee

Traffic Country: All countries

For a Detailed Review see ExitJunction Review – Ways to monetize your website

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