ExitJunction Review – Ways to monetize your website


ExitJunction is not a traditional way of monetizing your website. They provide ads to your bounce traffic instead of showing banners on your website which is a good way to boost your earnings if you are using it with some other advertising network like Google Adsense

ExitJunction.com  - Make Money From Your Exit Traffic!

Do they Accept all websites?

They seems to have some criteria in place and takes around 2-3 days to review and approve your website. But the good thing is they dont require a high traffic website so if you have a new website or a low traffic one you can apply for it

Payment Methods

ExitJunction pays by Paypal and Cheque at no cost which is the best payment option to choose from but they do charge for wire transfer.

Minimum Payout Amount

Minimum payout amount is $50 with balance carried over to the next month if payment threshold not reached which is the case with most of the ad networks

How to Apply for an account?

They have a pretty simple signup process. You signup for an account with your website you want to show ads on (if you have multiple websites you can add them later on) and validate your email address. After that you will get an email from them stating

they have received the registration information and will review it including your website within the next 2-3 business days

Account Approved, now what to do?

After logging in your account you need to go to Get Codes menu and click Ad Code


Choose your desired platform and continue to copy the code. They tell you to paste it right after the closing bracket of the starting head tag. For example,



<!– ExitJunction code –>





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