10+ Best Business Joomla Templates

business joomla templates

Joomla CMS is being widely used nowadays because of its flexibility and ease of use. On the other hand it’s free and both, the newbies and also seasoned programmers can use it to create great sites and blogs. Today we have compiled a list of the best business templates for joomla.

These templates are cheap, easy to install and maintain. They require no extra work, meaning these business joomla templates are search engine optimized and even non-programmers can use them without any difficulties.

Best Business Joomla Templates

Slate Premium and Corporate Joomla Template

Slate Template is a Premium and Corporate quality template which build with Powerful Gantry Framework you can use one template to different website, Because it’s have 5 preset with Unlimited Color and 30 pattern combination that’s why it’s possible unlimited style also have lot’s of admin customization features so your website must be unique design.


Leo Magazine Joomla Template

Leo Magazine Joomla Template brings you a clean layout with a broad range of options for customization – is perfect website solution for your newspaper, magazine.

It comes with 3 amazing themes color, clean styles and support customize changing background, text-color, font-size..etc via the template configuration. And More supports themes for k2 component, is built using our powerful template Framework called Leo Framework – giving you the ultimate flexibility and speed,responsive supported


Kallos – premium multiporpuse Responsive Joomla Template

This theme utilizes the latest features of the fast and slick Warp theme framework. It comes with a broad range of layout and module variations as well as a neat typography to style your content.


Leo Store Joomla Template

If you’re going to open your online store using Virtuemart Component or JoomShopping Component and sell Digital Products or luxury stuffs, or you looking for a clean, nice design and special typography, this template is perfectly your choice. Homepage contains image slideshow, brand sliders. The footer with extra space allows to show more info of your stores address or links.


JoomFX – Business and Portfolio Template

JoomFX is a clean a stylish Joomla 2.5 template. It has many custom modules and nice features. It can be used for a business website, portfolio or even a blog site.


JSN Boot – Free Joomla Template with Professional Features

JSN Boot is our first Joomla! template that comes in free edition only. You will have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the outstanding features which are made exclusively for professional edition of template. JSN Boot looks great with any website due to its easy-to-customize layout. Don’t miss out the built-in responsive mechanism, RTL layout or helpful template parameters


SJ Company Responsive Joomla! Template

SJ Company Responsive Joomla! Template is a business responsive template made for Joomla! 3.0 and Joomla 2.5. Designed with luxurious and elegant colors, and integrated with many SJ modules allowing to show portfolios and galleries, this template is suitable for corporate Websites with very large portfolio and modern picture showcase.


SJ Resorts – Responsive Joomla! Template

SJ Resorts – Responsive Joomla! Template is dedicated to make directory Websites by using SobiPro Component and Joomla! 2.5. Designed with 5 preset color styles as well as ability to tweak all typography with front-end cPanel, this template is powerful in customization. In the case you want to have a separated content construction kit, just use K2 component which has been integrated already.


Alaska Joomla Template

Alaska is an flexbile, creative & clean template for Joomla! 2.5 based on the powerful Gantry Framework.


Jammoh – Premium Joomla Template

Jammoh is a clean, stylish template designed for Joomla! 2.5 CMS based on the powerful Gantry Framework.


Business – Joomla business template | Amazing tools to build your websites

This is is a multi-purpose professional Joomla 2.5 & Joomla 3.x template. The template is fully loaded with extensions and features to help you create a stunning and slick creative, business or corporate website. Using the Revolution Slideshow you can easily create stunning animated slideshows.


JM Corporate, Responsive Joomla Business Template

JM Corporate is a professional Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.x template and is one of the best clean, corporate business designs to suit any type of business. The template is fully loaded with extensions and features to help you create a stunning and slick business or corporate website.




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