Best Joomla Magazine Templates

magazine joomla templates

Joomla is an open source content management system which can be used to create professional sites and blogs within minutes. With the help of numerous plugins and templates available for Joomla, anybody can create a good looking website within minutes.

These latest responsive joomla templates can be used to create magazine, latest news, technology news, technology blog or any kind of website having magazine style layout.

Today we’ve compiled a list of the best magazine joomla templates. These magazine templates for joomla are cheap, good quality, easy to install and are easy to maintain.

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Best Joomla Magazine Templates

SJ Health Magazine – Responsive Joomla! Template

SJ Health – Responsive Joomla! Template is our brand-new template to make Websites about medicine and pharmacy! By using responsiveness native from Joomla! 3.0, SJ Health Template is one of the most highly customizable Joomla! template ever.

sj health magazine joomla template

Leo Magazine Joomla Template

Leo Magazine Joomla Template brings you a clean layout with a broad range of options for customization – is perfect website solution for your newspaper, magazine.

It comes with 3 amazing themes color, clean styles and support customize changing background, text-color, font-size..etc via the template configuration. And More supports themes for k2 component, is built using our powerful template Framework called Leo Framework – giving you the ultimate flexibility and speed,responsive supported.


Leo Lexus Joomla Template

Leo Lexus Joomla Template is perfect for your Model Cars Web Presentation. With unique frontpage layout and custom modification for Lof ContentNews Module, Lof Slideshow Module,  you get plenty of space for your custom news items. Comes in 5 colors including Color theme: Default, Blue, Green, Orange, Yellow.

Leo Lexus is built using our powerful open source JAT3 Framework – giving you the ultimate flexibility and speed.


JTAG TV Joomla Template

JTAG TV is a unique theme that allows the creation of an online movie website, video blog or TV series website. It’s simple and elegant design boast some impressive features that makes JTAG TV both easy to customize and manage.


SJ Wall Blog Template

SJ Wall Blog – a responsive template with K2 is released with special layout! Utilizing an accordion static menu on the left sidebar, we can navigate through many levels of Website easily. SJ Wall Blog also features a login form and K2 tag cloud right in the sidebar for convenience.


JTAG Magazine Joomla Template

JTAG magazine is a premium magazine Joomla Template that is both highly customizable and feature rich.JTAG  Magazine is bundled with everything needed to run an online magazine, blog, or electronic newspaper encapsulated in an elegant user interface.


Noo Times – News and Magazine Template

News is no more rigid and boring with Noo Times. Intuitive and splendid layouts, clean and attentive design, CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap 3 Integrated and Mega Menu Built inNoo Times is perfect for your Newsor Magazine website to present your content in most eye-pleasing and accessible way.

Noo Times is 100% responsive, easy to customize along with 6 graceful preset styles for you to choose. Various post style choices, social sharing, review or comment system, all are equipped fully for your stunning website.

Take your time and enjoy Noo Times. Let yourself be free building your website offhand and wrap prompt attention of your readers.


Bihavis – Responsive Joomla Magazine Template

Bihavis is a premium Joomla theme with flat and modern design. It is created for the magazines, news and blogs sites but due to its superb flexibility, it allows you to create the websites for any other purpose. It features very clean and responsive design, which looks very good on any device, This theme is fully responsive and has been tested on Macs, PCs, iPads, iPhones and Androids. The Template include lots of options for the typography, theme colors, homepage and many other settings. You can include the image sliders in any post or page. You can also set any video as post thumbnail simply with its embeding code.


Noo News – Joomla 3 Magazine Blog News Template

If you are looking for a new coat for your magazine/news site, you’ve just got to the right place.

NooNews is the perfect combination between design and communication – a responsive Joomla template made for magazine, news portal, blog and corporate websites, and for your site.


Noo Nozix – Joomla 3 Music Responsive Template

Nozix is a high quality Joomla! template built in T3V3 Framework – the popular Template framework for for Joomla 3.0 using Bootstrap. Nozix is totally responsive, which means your website will have no trouble in loading on any screen size.

Nozix comes with high technical quality and esthetic design. It has +4 powerful Joomla! extensions rolled in to give you a smoothly functioned and extremely easy-to-customize website. Plus, you are supported with the Clean-Clear-Simple layout with 4 color styles.

The template is born for music business: bands, musicians, DJs, music blogger, music event, shows… Nozix is all you need to create a stunning & perfect music site.


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