Best Membership Plugins for WordPress


The internet is a land of opportunities, day by day millions of people are new creating new websites in hopes of earning a passive or even a full time income. Are you looking to create a WordPress Membership Site? Well, look no further because we’ve got you covered with the Best Membership Plugins for WordPress.

You may ask that why are membership programs or membership sites so popular. The answer is simple. Recurring payments. Once your site gains enough popularity and following, more people will sign up and as a result you will have more recurring income. You could seriously earn a lot of money with these types of sites.

Now with WordPress setting up a membership site is easy as 1 2 3. Take a look at the top rated membership plugins below, select the one which satisfies you, download it and install it on your site and voila, you now have your very own fully functioning membership site.

Best WordPress Membership Plugins

UserPro – User Profiles with Social Login


UserPro offers beautiful front-end user profiles, member directory , login and registration for WordPress, so yes, it is more than just a user profiles plugin.

Create a WordPress Community website with UserPro’s awesome features like social connect and integration(1 click auto signup / signin) , viral marketing, user badges, file upload, photo uploads with lightbox support, responsive videos, follow / unfollow users, verified accounts, content restriction (private content), frontend publisher, posts by user, public / private Activity Feed.

That’s why UserPro gives you more than frontend profiles and registration system for WordPress, It’s simply an all-in-one plugin!

PrivateContent – Multilevel Content Plugin


PrivateContent is a simple and fast solution to power up your wordpress website by adding a multilevel login, private areas, user private pages and users management features. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require any scripting knowledge!

User Profiles Made Easy – WordPress Plugin


User Profiles Made Easy (UPME) is a full featured front-end profile, login and registration plugin for WordPress. It is user-friendly, fully responsive and works with any theme. With this plugin you can stop sending your users to the ugly back-end profile, registration and login pages, and instead give your users a seamless front-end experience on pages that match the rest of your website.

UPME takes your profiles to the next level, allowing you to create unlimited custom profile fields and to completely customize the registration form. You control which fields are required, which fields users can edit, which fields are private, and much more. You can even display your users in a beautiful, searchable members directory, or just show one or two specific users on any page or post you want using one of the many included shortcodes. The possibilities are endless!

Custom Login & Access WordPresss Plugin


  • Style Default WP Login Page
  • Add Login, Register, Forgotten Forms To a Page
  • Front End Profile Edit
  • Modal Login and Register Forms
  • Restrict Front End Access For Non Logged In Users (block specific pages, posts, post types, categories, taxonomies or all content)
  • Restrict WP Dashboard Access For Subscriber Level Users
  • Redirect User After Login And Logout
  • Allow Users To Set Their Own Password During Registration
  • Create Custom New User Registration Email
  • Set Match Captcha For Login, Register and Forgotten Forms
  • Regular Product Updates Custom Login & Access Plugin is kept up to date with the latest WordPress versions View Changelog
  • Customer Support Provided through external support system at with queries answered within 48 hours Mon – Fri. Support covers setup, product features, and bug fixes.

Subscribe to Download for WordPress


Subscribe to Download for WordPress makes it super easy to add a cool freebie download system to your site, just like the popular resource site PremiumPixels and the new freebie section on Subscribe to Download not only handles all of the emails and verification, it also has a list manager that can be exported with one click to any popular mail service.

Ultimate Membership Pro WordPress Plugin


Ultimate Membership Pro is the newest and the best Membership WordPress Plugin that allow you to create and work with multi-level exclusive access for your Users based on simple Free packages or Payed packages.

You can turn on your Website into a income supply by protecting your valuable content or only part of it.

Protect your: PagesProductsCategoriesany URL, Content SectionsImagesMenu, anything and set a Redirect or Replace Content Rule.

WordPress Premium Content


Jigowatt’s WordPress Premium Content plugin allows you to easily set up a web site with content which is only accessible to users registered with an active PayPal subscription. You can easily manage your subscribers, change subscription prices and set up custom membership renewal options (annual, bi-annual or just month by month).

Your premium content can be split into as many tiers as you like, allowing for easy creation of “Gold”, “Silver” and “Bronze” memberships, each of which given access to different levels of your premium content.

The plugin includes a front-end subscription page with built in registration and there is IP based security to prevent subscription sharing.

  • Take payments via PayPal (optionally makes use of the PayPal IPN )
  • Auto-renew subscriptions or just one-off payments
  • Give posts premium status and a content level (for tiered access to content)
  • Hide entire posts via an easy to use write panel
  • Hide parts of posts using a [premium] shortcode
  • Front-end Subscription page with user registration built in – easily customisable with a new template page in your theme
  • IP Based security to prevent users logging in at the same time and sharing a subscription
  • Admin section for managing subscribers, membership packs, and plugin settings.

WP Membership


Just install and use it. The plugin will create all necessary pages, email template and settings on the plugin installation.

Good LMS – Learning Management System WP Plugin


Good LMS is a learning management system plugin for WordPress. You can find many great features for creating and selling online and onsite courses.

About payment, learner can choose to pay by Paypal, Stripe, Paymill or directly or they can choose to transfer by other methods(Admin can provide other methods such as bank transfer) then learners will have a submission from in backend to submit payment evidence(Bank transfer receipt for example). After learner submit, admin can check the evidence in admin’s backend and approve or reject the submission later.

For Onsite Course, learner can fill the amount of package in case of purchasing for friends. After purchasing, learner will get the reference code which be used for instructor to compare with the record in the date of studying.

WPGYM – WordPress Gym Management System


WPGYM – WordPress Gym Management System ideal WordPress plugin for your WordPress powered gym management system.


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