Best Social Networking Plugins for WordPress


Social networking is at an all time high and website owners should do everything to utilise its power. These Best Social Networking Plugins for WordPress will help you do just that. You can’t really maximise the full traffic potential of your website if it does not have any social buttons. If your site doesn’t have any social buttons, how will people be able to share your content.

There are many social networking plugins for WordPress, some are good, some are bad, but today we’ve hand picked the best WordPress social networking plugins that you can find on the internet. These plugins are plug and play, just install them on your WordPress site and you’re good to go. You don’t have to do anything else, these plugins will do everything for you.

Best Social Networking Plugins for WordPress

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress


Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is all-in-one social sharing plugin for WordPress that allows you share, monitor and increase your social popularity. With Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress you will take your social sharing & following on a next level.

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress allows you to share on more than 35 of major social networks and in addition you have Love this buttonComments button, Send to mail and PrintEasy Social Share Buttons for WordPress also includes 12 native social like, follow and subscribe buttons which will increase your social following and social proof. Plugin gives you the freedom to control every aspect of display but also we simplify the initial setting with easy to use quick setup wizard.

WordPress Social Stream


WordPress Social Stream will combine all of your social network feeds into one single network stream or create a single feed for multiple social network profiles. Display using a filterable jQuery isotope powered Social Network Wall or a rotating feed list!

Can combine unlimited social feeds and create unlimited number of social streams.

Feed items also include Facebook, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn share links to make your social network streams more interactive, help promote your social network posts and boost your traffic!

Social Locker for WordPress


Do you continue to place social buttons on every page of your website, but visitors don’t like/share your content as often as you would desire?

You should give people a reason why they need to click on social buttons on your website. Even if people really like your content, website or fanpage, they don’t click the buttons because they don’t worry about you, your benefits or your traffic.

People need something extra to spark their interests and drive them to action.

Ask people to “pay” with a Like/Tweet/+1 to get access to your content, to get a discount, to download, to read an ending of your article, to watch a video or to view a funny picture. And social buttons will start to work as it should be!

Social Locker is a WP plugin that locks your most valuable site content behind a set of social buttons until the visitor likes, shares, +1s or tweets your page. It helps to improve social performance of your website, get more likes/shares, build quality followers and attract more traffic from social networks.

Facebook Likebox Slider for WordPress


The best Social Slider plugin for WordPress on the market. Easy to install, 3 click configuration, awesome tabs design. Easy way to get more shares, more traffic, more fans and popularity.

Social Network Tabs For WordPress


Combine all of your favorite social networks profiles & feeds into slick slide out or static tabs with Social Network Tabs for WordPress

Fast loading with each social network feed loaded using AJAX only when required!

Latest version includes Facebook, Twitter, Google + & LinkedIn share links to make you social network feeds more interactive, help promote your social network posts and boost your traffic!

SocialBox – Social Profile Showcase


With SocialBox you get an absolutely easy to use WordPress Plugin which enables you to add a sleek social widget to your WordPress site or blog. It supports several social networks and displays a variety of statistics from several social networks including, but not limited to, the current number of Facebook Page Likes & Checkins, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Dribbble, Forrst & GitHub Followers, YouTube and Vimeo Channel Subscriptions and MailChimp List Subscribers. You can enter sensible default values which will be shown as a fallback if the related APIs are not reachable.

Flow-Flow — Social Streams for WordPress


Flow-Flow Social Streams for WordPress is premium WordPress social plugin to display your social hub in beautiful responsive grid with filters and live search. Make any combinations of social feeds with Flow-Flow. For example, you can have 5 Facebook pages, 5 Twitter hashtags and 5 Instagram users in one stream. For its price this plugin is a great alternative to web services that charge monthly payment for similar functionality. No monthly Subscription with Flow-Flow Social Streams!

WordPress Social Share Buttons


Add jQuery social share buttons to WordPress in a stylish floating panel, toolbar or display inline. Adds buttons via jQuery for faster page loading.

Supports 9 social networks:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook Like
  • Google +1
  • LinkedIn
  • Digg
  • Pinterest
  • Stumbleupon
  • Xing with hovercard statistics
  • Buffer


  • Display buttons in a floating panel or create a social share toolbar.
  • Includes option to display buttons inline within page content.
  • 3 button sizes – vertical box with count, horizontal button with count and horizontal button no count.
  • Includes pinterest button with option to select any image.
  • Xing button includes hovercard feature showing statistics & popularity of URL.
  • Includes bonus email and print buttons.
  • Anti-spam protection for email address.
  • Fully flexible positioning.
  • Option to position floating panel based on center of page to prevent overlapping in mobile devices.
  • Show/hide buttons using external links.
  • Very easy to use – can be added to page via plugin settings, shortcodes or via page/post custom fields
  • Disable on specific pages/posts using custom fields.
  • Automatically detect page URL or set share page URL via custom fields or shortcodes.
  • Option to use custom title & description text.
  • Full documentation.

Pinterest Automatic Pin WordPress Plugin


Pinterest Drives More Traffic Than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn Combined and this is why I coded this plugin that will pin images from your post automatically to

Just install and forget your pinterest account as pinterest automatic will do pinning work for you.

SocialFans – WP Responsive Social Counter Plugin


Retina Responsive WordPress plugin displaying your social accounts fans, subscribers and followers number with a lot of features coming with 30 social networks like facebook, linkedin, pinterest , twitter and 26 other social networks.

Social Share & Locker Pro WordPress Plugin


Social Share&Locker Pro is far away the best Social sharing plugin for WordPress. Was built to cover all the necessities and to gets more Shares into your website.

With a Social Locker module integrated, brings over the Social Network a bigger exposure and viral visitors.

Arqam – Retina Responsive WordPress Social Counter Plugin


Arqam WordPress Social Counter Plugin grabs the latest counts of your Fans/Followers etc from your Favorite Social Networks and then displays them on your Blog. It is the perfect solution to encourage more users to join your network.

Social Sidebar for WordPress


Quickly add CSS3 social links to your WordPress site with this very configurable plugin!


WordPress Configuration
Set your links and styles through a settings page in the WordPress admin panel, modify as needed.

Automatic Integration
The link code and stylesheet automatically append to the header and footer of your site’s theme using the wp_head and wp_footer functions.

Works on all the newest browsers, properly tagged and contains transitions.

129 Icons
Choose from 129 icons derived from a number of online services and several general icons to create the perfect sidebar for your site.

4 Themes
Default, light, transparent, and color themes available.

2 Sides
Set your bar on the left or right side of the page.

2 Styles
Defaults to blocks on the side, but you can also set the style to show circles.

4 Label Styles
Square, curved, rounded, and fancy label styles for just the right fit when the icons are moused over.

General Display Options Choose from general page and post types to display the bar on (or not) as well as a manual mode for more customized integration.

Share Links
Share your site pages out with this link type and choose from a wide array of services powered by Sharing defaults, overrides, and AddThis Publisher ID options also available.

Mobile Display
Choose to hide or turn the sidebar into buttons and at what width to make the sidebar more mobile friendly.

Custom Colors
Set your own custom color scheme for the sidebar links so you can build the sidebar you want.

Ditty Twitter Ticker


Ditty Twitter Ticker is a multi-functional Twitter feed plugin. Easily add multiple user timeline or multiple keyword search feeds to your site either through shortcodes, direct functions, or in a custom Ditty News Ticker Widget.

Create a dynamic display of Twitter feeds on your site. With a multitude of settings you can create a feed with multiple user timelines or multiple keyword searches. Display feeds in a scroller, rotator, list, or widget.

WordPress Social Timeline


The DP Social Timeline plugin lets you retrieve status/posts/videos/images from different social networks in a timeline format, sorted by the newest.


  • Get status/posts/videos/ images from differents accounts in the same social network
  • Twitter, Facebook Page, Youtube, Delicious, Flickr, Dribbble, Digg, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, Google+, Lastfm
  • Retrieve Youtube videos using search keywords.
  • Retrieve tweets using a hashtag.
  • Different display styles.
  • Limit the number of Feeds to retrieve.
  • Add multiple custom feeds.
  • Show/Hide Social Icons.
  • Use as a Widget.
  • Social Filter Support.
  • Cross Browser Support.
  • Simple to Customize.
  • Full Documentation.

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