
There is Android, there is the iOS and then there’s the Windows Phone 8. It is true that the Windows Phone operating system is catching on day by day and is not that far behind the other big names. In fact by the start of 2013 it was named the third most popular mobile OS after the infamous Android and the iOS.

The Windows Phone Store which was empty not too long ago is now filled with useful and high quality apps and games of all kinds. In this post I have collected the top best windows phone apps and games for kids. These apps are fun, interactive and very useful so your kid will never get bored.

Without further ado I present you……

Top 10 Windows Phone Apps For Kids

Story Time


Is your kid interested in stories?, Story Time app has kid’s favorite stories with narration. Now you can read your stories with text and beatiful images.

Color Me Free


Color by numbers, shapes, letters or dots. Fun for all ages.

Kids TV


Beautiful panorama app with kids favorite shows along with videos, show characters and image galleries.

Learn ABC Free


Learn ABC in fun and easy way with picture flashcards and sounds voice cards from A-Z.

This educational game for toddlers provides a perfect mechanism for parents who want to keep the toddler busy with something useful and entertaining.

Talking Kitty


Change your voice into a cute little kitty. Talking kitty will automatically listen to your voice and talk back to you with realistic animations. Rub her head and she will purr for you. Tap her bell and it will ring. Fun for everyone. Put talking kitty on the table in a party and talking kitty will repeat what people say and get the party started with loads of laughter and fun. If you are on a date and need to break the ice use talking kitty to create a fun and exciting atmosphere.

Draw Free!


Draw! is the popular finger drawing tool for kids and adults, now free! Make drawings with your fingers or entertain the kids anywhere.

Kids Play & Learn


Kids Play & Learn is a fun and colorful educational game for kids in the age 2 to 10. The game teaches your kid about colors, shapes, counting, numbers, sounds, simple math and tell the time through different types of puzzle mini games. In addition it teaches concentration through jigsaw puzzles of various difficulties. All in all Kids Play & Learn consists of 6 categories, 44 games and 695 levels.

Nursery Rhymes


Your kids enjoy playing with your smart phone. We came up with a better idea to have Nursery Rhymes on your phone to keep your loving kid engrossed in animated rhymes and learn them quickly. This application require data connection to play videos.

Your kid will have easy access to the popular “Nursery Rhymes”” in just one click. With regular updates, you will get more “Nursery Rhymes” at one place.

Shapes Colouring Book


Get 72 colouring pages with funny characters made out of shapes. Helps develop abstract thinking while playing.



Little Piano turns your phone into a piano for kids with 13 keys, 1 octave, and good-quality sounds. Whether you’re just starting to learn piano or if you’ve been playing for years, Little Piano is a great app. You can entertain others with simple melodies or learn using the build in library of 30+ songs.

See More:  Best Windows Phone 8 Games


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