12 Creative 404 Error Page Designs

404 error pages are an easy way to tell your users that the page they are looking for has been moved to a new destination or has been deleted with an option to give them other important links from the same website to continue browsing related stuff instead of taking them to a broken link
404 error pages could be some plain text like “We could not find the page you are looking for but please find below some important links to our website” or it could be some awesome looking page with directions for the user to continue browsing
Importance of 404 Error Pages
1. Search Engine Friendly
2. If you would like your visitor to keep browsing and engaged to your website its recommended to put a 404 error page
Here we have compiled a list of some of the coolest and creative Error Pages out there on the Web for your inspiration. Be cool and design a wonderful page for yourself or for your client
1. Audiko
2. BrowserMedia
3. Centresource
4. Jackrabbit
5. Twurn
6. Agens
7. Caslay
10. Bluegg
11. William Csete
12. iStockPhoto