11+ Best Retail Themes for WordPress

boutique wordpress theme

Whether you want to create an eCommerce website, a simple retail blog, a large business website or a simple website for your retail business; WordPress can do it all.

Not only that but it is now powering 20% of the web, which is a big deal. Today we have compiled up a list of the best retail WordPress themes that you can use for your business or store.

These latest WordPress store themes look stunning and professional, are up-to-date on the SEO and coding, and on top of that very easy to install. You just have to download these themes, upload them on to your website, change the logo, menu’s, color scheme and you will have a fully functioning WordPress eCommerce store.

Best Ecommerce WordPress Themes

Koyorest – Responsive Retina WordPress Theme

Koyorest is a responsive one and multi page WordPress theme for restaurants and cafes with pixel perfect retina ready design. Due to its minimalist design and six colorful styles (+ black and white themes) it will be easy to adapt published contents to a trendy look harmonized with target identification.

koyorest wordpress theme

StyleShop eCommerce WordPress Theme

StyleShop is a sleek and powerful eCommerce WordPress Theme that provides all the tools you need to launch a successful online store. The design is beautiful and responsive, and includes a unique mobile layout that makes browsing your website on a breeze no matter what device you are using! If you are looking for an all-in-one solution for your new business, then StyleShop is the theme for you.

styleshop wordpress theme

FitnessGYM – WordPress Sport Theme

Fitness GYM, a gym wordpress theme is clean, flexible, retina ready and has a fully responsive design. Fitness GYM theme is loaded with features, and has powerful customization options. Built with HTML5 & CSS3. It comes with free support on our support forum. FitnessGYM theme aimed for fitness, gym and sport or any other fitness related websites. It’s very quick to setup and easy to customize, thanks to the intelligent admin panel.

fitnessGym wordpress theme

MediCure – Health & Medical WordPress Theme

Medicure WordPress theme was created to offer a perfect solution for medical websites. It features functionality that was developed with health and medicine websites in thought, with all the compulsory for these sites features included. Custom Services post type allows you display medical services of a large hospital as well as of small private clinic – fantastic flexibility allows you to adapt the theme to your needs. A really large set of custom shortcodes empowers a website manager to create highly unique and interactive content, even if this is a first experience of using a wordpress theme.

medicure wordpress theme

Carry Hill School – Responsive WordPress Theme

Carry Hill School is a beautifully designed WordPress Theme for your child school, child care, but it would suit any children, art, craft or creative website. It comes with Drag and Drop Page Builder which enables you to create your page content with ease. You can rearrange your content blocks any way you like. It also includes a powerful Premium Slider. Another great feature is that it comes with Font Awesome Icon set.

carryhill school wordpress theme

Auto Dealer – Car Dealer WordPress Theme

auto dealer wordpress theme

eStore eCommerce WordPress Theme

eStore provides an elegant solution for those looking to sell products online. The theme is easy to configure, and offers integration options with some of the most popular (and free) ecommerce plugins, including eShop and Simple PayPal Shopping cart. Also, due to the open-ended nature of the design, adding support for additional shopping carts won’t cause a headache. If you are ready to bring your business online, then get started today with eStore!

estore wordpress theme

Boutique WordPress Theme

Boutique gives you the power to open your own online storefront. The theme has been built to integrate with some of the most popular eCommerce plugins available, allowing people to use their favorite system without any conflicts.

boutique wordpress theme

Harmony Band WordPress Theme

Harmony is a versatile WordPress theme for bands and musicians. This theme has all of the features that a band would need, including the ability to play songs, handle events, upload photo galleries and sell merchandise. Harmony’s style is bold and features big and beautiful background images that can be easily customized to give your page a unique look. Every band needs a great online presence for their fans to find, so get started today with Harmony!

harmony wordpress theme

Foxy WordPress Theme

Foxy is a sleek, all-in-one solution for businesses. From eCommerce integration to Responsive Design, Foxy includes everything you need to bring your business online. The themes finds harmony in a balance of simple and striking design elements. Foxy is fun, but it doesn’t let anything get in the way of its structured and functional layout.

foxy wordpress theme

Collective Professional WordPress Theme

A powerful and in the same time easy to work with responsive professional WordPress theme ready to push your business forward.

collective wordpress theme

CloudHost WordPress Theme

No day like today to start working on your new astonishing hosting business website, or even revamp your old one.

cloudhost wordpress theme

MobilityApp WordPress Theme

A WordPress theme best suited for smartphone developers that need to promote their iPad, iPhone or Android mobile apps.

mobilityapp wordpress theme

Which one of these themes have you used? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this list with your friends….

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